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Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 31st December, 2005.
Annual Reports Mar 06
Annual Reports 2003-04
Quarterly Results Sep '05
Balance Sheet 2001-02
Profit & Loss 2001-02
Distribution of Shareholding
Details of 1% and above Shareholding
Share Holders Notice
Report - Annual
Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th September, 2005.
(Rupees in Lacs)
Particulars Quarter ended Quarter ended (Unaudited) 15-months period ended  (Audited)
30.09.2005 30.09.2004 30.06.2005
1 Net sales/Income from Operations 12175 24307 104864
2 Other Income 282 263 20650
3 Total Expenditure




a) Consumption of raw materials 9446 16629  69744
b) Increase/Decrease in Stock (99) 240  1720
c) Staff Cost 1707 2668  13531
d) Prior Period Items - - 3045
e) Other Expenditure 2229 3880  17248
  13283 23417  105288
4 Interest 306 623  4834
5 Depreciation 598 1027  5105

Profit (+) / Loss (-) before Tax (1 + 2 - 3 - 4 - 5)

-1730 -497 10287
7 Provision for Tax
  a) Current Tax (See note 3 below) - - (3)
b) Deferred Tax - - 4129
c) Wealth Tax - 2 11
d) Fringe Benefit Tax 17 - 30
8 Net Profit/Loss(-) (6 - 7) -1747 -499  6120
9 Paid up equity share capital* (Face Value=Rs10) 16117 16117 16117
10 Reserves (excl. revaluation reserves) 448
11 Basic/Diluted earnings per share (Rs.) -1.08 -0.31  3.80
12 Aggregate of non promoter shareholding
  - No of shares   114027969 113925428  113939973
-Percentage of shareholding 70.75% 70.69%  70.69%
* Excluding amount paid in respect of forfeited shares
  1. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and taken on record by the Board of Directors at their respective meetings held on 26th October, 2005.
  2. The figures for the corresponding quarter in the previous year, being inclusive of Power Unit Plant and Power Products Division, which have been sold to AVTEC Limited on 28th June 2005, are not comparable with the current quarter figures.
  3. Tax liability for the six months period upto 30th September 2005 will be determined and provided for at the end of the year.
  4. As in the past, the company has not provided against certain doubtful debts, claims and advances, as it is hopeful of recovering these amounts. The above matter was referred to by the auditors in their report for the period ended 30th June 2005.
  5. Prior period figures have been re-grouped/rearranged, wherever necessary.
  6. Number of Investor complaints :
    i) Pending at the beginning of this quarter – 8,
    ii) Received during the quarter – 53,
    iii) Disposed off during the quarter – 53,
    iv) Lying unresolved at the end of the quarter – 8 (since resolved).
Segment-wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed
(Rupees in Lacs)
Particulars Quarter ended 15-months period ended (Audited)
30.09.2005 30.09.2004 (unaudited) 30.06.2005
1 Segment Revenue (Net Sales)




a) Automobiles 12168 21031 89294
b) Automatic Transmissions - 3244 15479
c) Others 7 32 91
Total 12175 24307 104864
Less: Inter Segment Revenue 0 0 0
  Total Net sales/ income from operations 12175 24307 104864
2 Segment Results




Profit/Loss(-) before Interest and Taxes
a) Automobiles -1381 -704 3103
b) Automatic Transmissions - 870 8436
c) Others -43 -25 -155
TOTAL -1424 141 11384
Less: Interest 306 623 4834
  Less: Unallocable Expenses      
  Net of Unallocable income - 15 -3737
  Profit/loss(-) before Tax -1730 -497 10287
3 Capital Employed in the reportable segments
(As at the end of the period)




a) Automobiles 18274 30251 23517
b) Automatic Transmissions - 6610 -
c) Others 137 168 288
Capital Employed in reportable segments 18411 37029 23805
The products covered in the reportable business segments are as follows: -
Automobiles Passenger cars, Utility Vehicles & Trucks and Components & Accessories thereof.
Transmissions Automatic Powershift Transmissions for off highway and on highway applications & Components thereof.
    By Order of the Board  
Dated: 26th October 2005
R. Santhanam
Managing Director