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Modelling & Designing
Core Product Portfolio (CPP) Value Methodology (VA/VE) Engineering Change (CA/CN)
Engineering Design -> Engineering Change (CA/CN)

At RSD we under take engineering changes by producing a mathematical part-to-part comparison of original and new geometry and understand the differences and display them on a predefined Color-coded map with Mode of Failure, Design optimization based on design constraints. Provide indication for required geometry updates. Apply changes throughout the process using an associative database. This gives an effective manufacturing process change. The following tool was developed at RSD for undertaking engineering changes.  

Drawing Management System (DMS):

To convert all the Legacy Engineering Drawings and Technical Documents held by Customer and create a Digital Archive as a first step towards creation of a Paper Less Design Office. Drawing Management System (DMS) The software will include drawing navigation, scanned image navigation, processing, printing, secure vaulting, authentication, database entry, storage, retrieval and accessing of drawings in a Local Area Network by multi user environment. DMS includes scalability and customization specific to customer needs.

The tool will be independent to product life cycle of the product. It offers a quick and streamlined approach which can be completed in five operating weeks. The RSD DMS visualization engine delivers best in class capability, enabling you to easily identify, view, and use product Information. The result: greater productivity and better decisions. The benefits of integrated visualization fall into three categories
  • Part Identification: Easily identifies a sought-after part by viewing thumbnail images in every search result or part details page.
  • Three-dimensional Part Visualization: Establish collaborative visualization sessions with dimensionally accurate 3D images of components and assemblies simply by launching a hyperlink on assembly or part details pages.
  • Enterprise Visibility: All users can view product information even if they don’t have access to the authoring application.